Bin Nawi Holding is a 100% UAE Local Family-Owned Holding Company, presided by Eng. Mohamed Al Mazrouei and managed by its top-caliber professional Board of Directors that are highly reputable UAE citizens willing, throughout their distinguished high level leads, to support International companies in every way possible in their UAE venture.
“BNH” has over 25 years of extensive experiences in the development and management of business in the United Arab Emirates, which focuses in specializing new business establishment and local representation of absolute world class international companies that are specialized in a very well diversified fields and activities ranging from:
Thus, BNH focuses on providing specialist business advisory and support services to partner firms interested in participating in the unprecedented wave of infrastructure development and rehabilitation in the Arabian Gulf.
We, at Bin Nawi Holding, recognized the difficulties international firms faced in navigating the relatively opaque Middle East markets and the opportunity to help partner companies improve their performance during the different stages of the project award. Specifically, we realize the market opportunities and provide value added services to our partners firms during the project bid and execution process.
BNH, through its management and employees shall always strive to offer our valuable principles in a reliable high quality service and support to their in-house resources for business development and market development on a local scale.
To be the Premier Professional Holding company with proven records of achievements- efficiently, profitablyand with commitment to the local communities and everyone concerned.
“BIN NAWI HOLDING” Forefront of Globalization within the realm of United Arab Emirates.